Edgar Allan Poe’s Gravesite and Memorial

Edgar Allan Poe’s Gravesite and Memorial

Address: 509 West Fayette Street at North Greene Street, Baltimore, Maryland

While visiting the cemetery of John Pendleton Kennedy, why not take the opportunity to visit another import of Maryland’s rich literary history - the memorial of Edgar Allan Poe. Situated in the Westminster Cemetery, the destination is highly recommended anytime of year. John Pendleton Kennedy helped influence and judge the work of Poe titled “Message in a Bottle”, and likewise introduced him to the greater literary world. Maybe you wish to read the words of Poe to him, or maybe you wish to visit all the memorials of Maryland’s literary history; either way visiting this memorial is a must.

Special thanks to students in Professor Onitveros' ENGL142 class (Queen Anne's group).

Edgar Allan Poe’s Gravesite and Memorial