The Star-Spangled Banner Flag House

The Star-Spangled Banner Flag House

Address: 844 E Pratt St, Baltimore, MD 21202

The Star-Spangled Banner Flag House is a historical destination that tells the most reviving story of the history of America – the creation of the American flag. Along with a tour of the flag house, which used to belong to Mary Pickersgill, who sewed the garrison flag Francis Scott Key witnessed flying over Fort McHenry, you get a taste of a life of a family living in the 1800’s. The house was sold to the city of Baltimore in 1927, and the Star-Spangled Banner Flag House Association established a museum inside the home. Families and visitors of all ages can participate in interactive activities, as well as take advantage of special programs offered throughout the year.

Special thanks to students in Professor Onitveros' ENGL142 class (Prince George's group).
Image source: House.

The Star-Spangled Banner Flag House